Through life, I never cease to be amazed at how the Lord leads me into places and situations I had never even considered. It certainly makes life interesting. I recently joined a lovely lot of ladies from my church to try to get to know a few more names and faces . I have never been much good at remembering names. I always know the face, but if they are not in the usual place or uniform, I have to search for the name and where I know them from. It’s an age thing and seems to get worse as the years go by.
I joined them at a Pottery Painting Session at a local shop one evening and I did a lovely plaque to hang in the workshop with our strap line “He leads me beside the still waters, He restores my soul”. When the plaque had been fired, I was delighted with the result and it was greatly admired. Little did I know how a tiny seed planted that moment would grow.
A couple of weeks later I went on holiday to a Craft Hotel ( where else!) and did a few mugs with transfers that were fired and were intended to be gifts to people I knew needed a little gift. Slowly my little seed grew. I wanted to do more, and after a lot of prayer and research the Ministry Mugs gradually grew in my heart and in my workshop!
I invested in a lot of equipment and many trials ( including doing one with the writing upside down) and my first mug was ready. I knew immediately who I had designed it for and know both of us were truly blessed by it.
Quite a few mugs later, I have designed mugs for many people with texts and designs on them that I know will touch their hearts. When people are down, struggling etc, we often reach for the warming cuppa to give comfort, or a social things with friends, with tea and cake…. . The lady I did the first mug for pointed out that the verse from the psalm meant so much to her and she kept reading it. Now she has a mug so she remembers God’s love to her each time she sits a while and has a little hug from Him.
So I wait on His guidance, and leading where a mug is needed to inspire, comfort and bless. The side line to this is that the mugs are being made for friends and family for teachers thank you gifts, special birthdays ( just done one for a great gran’s 90th birthday), and even my 7 year old grandson designed and made one for his teacher. A group photo of my grandson’s pre-school that is being threatened with closure has made a lovely thank you gift for a teacher that has gone above and beyond to help him with speech problems
There has been such an interest in the mugs wherever they have been seen, orders for personalised mugs will support the ministry part of the work. I look forward to seeing how this seed grows and flourishes, as I know that God is the gardener, watering and nourishing it.
God Bless. Enjoy a few of the photos. Many have gone out from the workshop “literally hot off the press!”
If you are interested in a personalised mug, please contact us through the Contact Page and we will get back to you